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The Drugs Wheel is discussed in the Open Access peer-reviewed paper, Jump-starting the conversation about harm reduction: making sense of drug effects, published by Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy. Citation:

Adley, Mark; Jones, Guy & Measham, Fiona (2023) Jump-starting the conversation about harm reduction: making sense of drug effects, Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 30:4, 347-360, DOI: 10.1080/09687637.2021.2013774

Link to DEPP paper

References in published literature

Bascombe F., et al. (2023). Methamphetamine and emerging drugs of concern: A training needs analysis of Australian alcohol and other drug helplines. Drug Alcohol Rev. 2023 Jul 15. doi: 10.1111/dar.13719.

Bennett K.H., Hare H.M., Waller R.M., et al. (2017). Characteristics of NPS use in patients admitted to acute psychiatric services. Southeast Scotland: a retrospective cross-sectional analysis following public health interventions. BMJ Open, 7(12), pp. e015716–e015716.

Charlton, J., Albanese, A. & Brodie, L. (2018). The challenges of type 1 diabetes and new psychoactive substance misuse. Practical Diabetes International. 35(3), pp. 81–85a.

Chavance, P., Jost, D., Briche, F. and Travers, S. (2023). Stupéfiants et nouveaux produits de synthèse: les produits, leurs effets, l’intoxication aiguë et sa prise en charge. Le Praticien en Anesthésie Réanimation. 2(5), pp. 301-319.

Fletcher, E., Tasker, S., Easton, P. & Denvir, L. (2015). Improving the help and support provided to people who take new psychoactive substances (‘legal highs’). Journal of Public Health, 38(4), pp. e489–e495.

Gilani, Dr. F. (2015). ‘Legal highs’: Novel psychoactive substances. InnovAiT, 8(12), 717–724. DOI: 10.1177/1755738015612509.

Macdonald, I. (2019). Teen Substance Use, Mental Health and Body Image: Practical Strategies for Support. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Marillier, M. & Verstraete, A. (2019). Driving under the influence of drugs. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Forensic Science, 1(3), p.e1326.

Marwick, K. (2019) Crash Course Psychiatry Fifth Edition, p.82. Elsevier ISBN: 9780702073830.

Measham, F. & Newcombe, R. (2016). What's So ‘New’ About New Psychoactive Substances? Definitions, Prevalence, Motivations, User Groups and A Proposed New Taxonomy. The SAGE Handbook of Drug and Alcohol Studies. 1(33), Editors: Torsten Kolind, Betsy Thom, Geoffrey Hunt. London: SAGE Publications Ltd

Potter. G. R. & Chatwin, C. (2018). Not particularly special: critiquing ‘NPS’ as a category of drugs. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 25:4, 329-336, DOI: 10.1080/09687637.2017.1411885.

Schwelm, H. M. (2023). Stimulanzien und Dissoziativa in der forensischen Toxikologie: Studien zur Pharmakokinetik neuer psychoaktiver Substanzen mithilfe massenspektrometrischer Analyseverfahre (Doctoral dissertation, Universität Freiburg, 2023).

Solomon, D., Grierson, J., Godier‐McBard, L. and Guirguis, A. (2023) 'Experience and views of healthcare professionals towards people who use new psychoactive substances: Evidence from statutory, non‐statutory, and private mental health and addiction healthcare services', Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental, 38(6), p. e2883.

Span, C., Farah, B., Ivetìc, N. and Stronach, O. (2023). A Scoping Review of Australian Literature on People Who Use MDMA and Their Harm Reduction Practices, Contemporary Drug Problems,  0(0).

Tavares, Ana & Caetano, Ana & Teixeira, Mónica & Santos, Clara. (2023). Serviço Social e Comportamentos Aditivos e Dependências: O papel das Políticas de Intervenção Social Addictive Behaviors and Dependencies: The role of Social Intervention Policies. Revista Temas Sociais. 5. 115-127.

The Drugs Wheel in use

Home Office Resource Pack

Scottish Government New Psychoactive Substances Review

Scottish Drugs Forum

Training Curriculum: New Psychoactive Substances in Europe State of Affairs, Trends and Developments

CREW 2000: new psychoactive drugs booklet


The Drugs Wheel in the media

The Society for the Study of Addiction

L'Express: Enquête sur les nouvelles drogues de synthèse

Ingredientes del tusi y adulterantes en MDMA: Informe de resultados de análysis confirmativo GC/MS

The Drugs Wheel in action








Spotted in the background of Grayson Perry's 'All Man' series for C4 by an eagle-eyed Drugs Wheel user!




The Drugs Wheel in use by Crew2000 at the What's Up 2013 event.




